I'm bored of Oregon...already
God I miss Idaho!
You liberals and Democrats in Idaho don't know how good you have it. Really.
You have Republican Bill Sali running for congress who has this "endorsement" proudly displayed on his main website:And he's running for U.S. Congress...and he's going to win in a walk. But at least you have great moral and intelectual high ground.
It sucks here in Oregon. My representative is Earl Blumenaur.Blumenaur is a liberal Democrat with whom I nearly completely agree politicaly. Whoopee.
The Republican running against him is a guy by the name of Bruce Broussard. He has no chance of winning...and his website shows it.
At least Larry Grant over in the Gem State has a pulse.
You liberals and Democrats in Idaho don't know how good you have it. Really.
You have Republican Bill Sali running for congress who has this "endorsement" proudly displayed on his main website:And he's running for U.S. Congress...and he's going to win in a walk. But at least you have great moral and intelectual high ground.
It sucks here in Oregon. My representative is Earl Blumenaur.Blumenaur is a liberal Democrat with whom I nearly completely agree politicaly. Whoopee.
The Republican running against him is a guy by the name of Bruce Broussard. He has no chance of winning...and his website shows it.
At least Larry Grant over in the Gem State has a pulse.